Beautiful Portofino Restaurant with a Sea View

Dear Lovelies,

Today i would like to show you a sweet Restaurant at the Beach : Portofino
The Restaurant is in Sesimbra.
I love Restaurant at the Beach, has a different feelings:)

We had a nice lunch here with a beautiful view of the Sea. The restaurant very Cute and i loved the clean, Blue shades, and Design.
The Dishes were very Tasty and Fresh and really big portions, at the end we were so full that we shared one dessert:)

We had a Very Nice "Sangria Tropical" to drink.

Mix of Seashells and Schrimps on pan:
This was my best Clams ever, it had special ingredients like mint and some secret ones...We were amazed with the Taste:) 
We'll come back for sure to eat more of that Dish:) It was sooo Good:)

Scabbard fish fillet with sweet potato and caramelized banana and passion fruit sauce:
This was very interesting because the passion fruit and the banana were very balanced with the fish.

Tuna steak with sesame seeds and sweet potato purée: This was so good too and if you see on the photo it's really big one:)

Strawberry soup with vanilla ice cream and cinnamon:
It was very tasty, the ice cream and the strawberry cream together was so tasty:)

We were very Happy with the Dishes what we had and its a really nice place to enjoy your great Dish with a Beautiful View. We had a small talk with the owners,They were very kind, they organize there weddings as well:) I saw photos about the decoration and the weddings , so beautiful:)
Wedding at the beach... what a Dream:)

I would Like to thank Portofino Restaurant for having Open Kloset By Karina and for this amazing experience, i promise we come back soon:)

Enjoy The Photos
Love Open Kloset By Karina
"True Beauty Comes From Within"

Minhas queridas,

Hoje quero mostrar vos um restaurante muito giro na praia em Sesimbra: Portofino
Adoro restaurantes na praia, têm um feeling diferente :)

Tivemos um bom almoço aqui, com uma linda vista para o mar. O restaurante é muito querido, adorei o design muito "clean" em tons de branco e azul.
A comida bastante saborosa e fresca, porções grandes, no fim ficamos tão cheios que partilhamos uma sobremesa :)

Bebemos uma boa "Sangria Tropical"


Tachinho de conchas com camarão: 
estas foram as melhores ameijoas que já comi, tinha ingredientes especiais como a hortelã e outros ingredientes secretos, ficamos maravilhados com o sabor :)
Vasmo voltar de certeza para comer este prato, estava tãooo bom :)

Pratos principais:

Filete de espada com batata doce e banana caramelizada com molho de maracujá:
um prato bastante interessante, o equilibrio de sabores do maracujá com a banana e o peixe estava perfeito.

Bife de atum com crosta de sésamo em cama de puré de batata doce: 
estava tãooo bom também, e uma porção bem grande :)


Sopa de morangos com gelado de baunilha e canela: super fresco, o gelado de baunilha com o morango faz a combinação perfeita e saborosa :)

Ficamos tão felizes com tudo o que comemos e com o espaço que é mesmo muito agradável com uma vista linda. 
No final tivemos uma pequena conversa com os responsáveis, muito simpáticos e explicaram que também organizam casamentos no espaço, vi algumas fotos e achei linda a decoração, perfeito para um casamento na praia, que sonho :)
Gostaria de agradecer ao Restaurante Portofino por terem recebido o Open Kloset By Karina e por esta experiência fantástica, prometo que vamos voltar brevemente :)

Espero que gostem das fotografias :)

Enjoy the photos
Love Open Kloset By Karina
"True Beauty Comes From Within"

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